De-escalation has become a buzzword in policing and corrections. With CD3 it's not a public relations term, it's a reality. CD3 stands for Conductive Distraction De-escalation Device.

Save Lives & Money
The voltage used in CD3 technology is so low that stimulation can't occur through clothing, hair, metal, plastics or fur. When a CD3 device touches bare skin, electrical pulses send signals affecting nerves bundles only in the dermis layer of skin. Just stimulation pads. Nothing to buy more of after every single use.
Fewer trips to the hospital, and less tax payer dollars spent on pulling prongs out of subjects. Lower voltage leaves less room for medical errors and potentially deadly use of force.
CD3 technology is reducing injury rates in departments across the country for both officers and subjects by up to 40%. Keep police officers on the street protecting their communities. Keep order in the cell blocks with healthy correctional officers.
Not all of our products are for officers. Our E-Bands and E-Vest are designed to be worn by subjects. Officers are able to gain compliance and deliver stimulation from up to 150 yards away through remotes. These devices are especially useful in courtroom proceedings, transportation, and medical visits.
Products For Officers

The G.L.O.V.E.
The G.L.O.V.E. or Generated Low Output Voltage Emitter is Compliant Technologies' flagship product. Its electronics are the basis of our CD3 technology. Does not penetrate skin. Utilizes neural peripheral interference by stimulating the nervous system with 380 volts at the most. Takes 1 second to turn on. G.L.O.V.E. can be worn while working with cuffs and weapons, easy to transition to and from. Special Features: Smart Touch Finger, Stand-by Mode, Event Recording Capability.

The G.L.O.V.E.
The G.L.O.V.E. or Generated Low Output Voltage Emitter is Compliant Technologies' flagship product. Its electronics are the basis of our CD3 technology. Does not penetrate skin. Utilizes neural peripheral interference by stimulating the nervous system with 380 volts at the most. Takes 1 second to turn on. G.L.O.V.E. can be worn while working with cuffs and weapons, easy to transition to and from.

Training G.L.O.V.E.
The training G.L.O.V.E. is used for instructors and departments to use during training sessions.

The Sound Shields
Compliant Technologies’ CT-SS Sound Shield is a useful tool for Civil Disturbance Units during situations where agencies are trying to move large groups out of an area or for area deniability. It sends out an uncomfortable high audible tone below the pain and injury thresholds. During rioting, civil disturbances, and other operations based upon agency need. Our shields come in a variety of shapes, sizes and capabilities. These tools are designed to give users flexibility and a humane tactical advantage over large crowds or lone individuals. The Sound Shield is also available with a strobe light for added efficacy.
Products for Subjects

The E-Vest
Our analog classic E-Vest is a magnetically operated, remotely controlled CD3 that uses the same technology as our flagship product the G.L.O.V.E. The E-Vest comes in sizes that range from a 36” to 50” chest size. The E-Vest is effective for prisoner transport and court room proceedings. The E-Vest brings subjects into compliance when committing acts of aggression or attempting escape.

The E-Band
E-Band Restrictors are magnetically operated, remotely controlled CD3’s that use the same technology as our flagship product, the G.L.O.V.E. E-Bands come in two models, the EBA (bi-cep and lower leg) and the EBL (thigh area). Both are effective for transporting those just brought into custody, prisoner transport, court room proceedings, medical visits or hospital stays.
Product Specifications

G.L.O.V.E G5 Specifications

G.L.O.V.E G4 Specifications

E-Band Specifications


Sound Shield Specifications


NOAH, Vice President of Sales | Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana
BRAD | Tennessee and Alabama